
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Entri untuk Dia yg tidak dapat saya sebutkan nama

Ya ..aku tahu..kehilangan itu satu penyeksaan..Dia yang jauh disana tidak mungkin lagi untuk merindui kita disini..aku juga pernah kehilangan..Kehilangan yang maha azab untuk ditelan..yang maha susah untuk diharungi..Berita kematiannya pernah membuat aku meraung..dan rebah ke bumi..Tetapi..aku hormati keputusan Ilahi..Untuk mengambilnya kembali kepada cinta yang hakiki..Jenazahnya kulihat..kuburnya aku ziarahi..Itu semua adalah untuk meyakinkan diri bahawa dia sudah tiada lagi..Hanya Al-Fatihah yang mampu kuberi.

Awak yang tidak dapat saya sebutkan nama..suatu masa dahulu ..awak yang  mampu membuat saya berdiri tegak..menghadap dunia yang kejam..awak pinjamkan saya bahu awak sementara kaki saya kuat kembali..Awak mahu saya bangun..supaya saya mampu hadapi semuanya..supaya saya tidak mati ..Saya tahu..awak tidak sesekali akan luahkan apa yang terbuku..awak selalu berkias tentang isi-hati dan perasaan awak..Tapi..saya faham..saya semakin faham diri awak kini..

Kini..tiba giliran saya untuk meminjamkan bahu saya kembali..meminjamkan tangan untuk menyapu titisan air mata awak yang tidak kelihatan zahirnya..memberi ruang masa untuk diri awak walaupun saya terpaksa sendiri..

Tetapi..awak harus ingat..yang pergi jangan ditangisi lagi..Iringilah dengan alunan yassin dan kalungan al-fatihah..Supaya insan yang awak sayangi sepenuh jiwa awak aman dan bahagia di sana.Lakukanlah banyak amalan kebaikan ,supaya tempiasnya ..dia disana juga merasa..Hidup ini perlu dihargai..Ingatlah juga bahawa Allah tidak menguji diluar kemampuan hambanya.Itu tanda sayang dan kasih  yang tiada taranya dari yang MAHA ESA ..Hikmahnya mungkin tidak dapat dilihat pada zahir..tetapi mata hati yang harus bijak menilainya..

Awak yang tidak dapat saya sebutkan nama..sabarlah dengan ketentuan yang MAHA ESA..saya sentiasa ada disini jika awak perlukan saya.Saya tahu..saya tidak perlu meminjamkan telinga kerana awak tidak mungkin meluahkannya..Tetapi saya tahu,kerana saya dapat merasa...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

hilang semangat

"Awak, yang satu masa dulu pernah buat saya berdiri teguh. Saya tahu awak baca blog hitam ni walaupun tidak disuruh. Dulu awak berdiri sekarang awak jatuh. Bangunlah, saya boleh pinjamkan bahu ini semula sampai kaki awak kembali kukuh. Kalau tak pun, saya boleh payungkan supaya awak dapat berteduh. Yang penting saya nak awak berdiri semula dan berlari jauh-jauh. 

ps : Tidak perlu berkias kalau apa yang nak dikata itu ikhlas ;)" (by apih el nino)

It is so nice to have someone say things like this to you especially someone that you loved the most.So that you can put your head up! dan rasa kuat untuk teruskan hidup.sometimes,you give your best and nothing more got left.please give me strength.Rasa tak kuat dah.dah mcm obor-obor nie.
malas nk belajar..malas nk kejar cita2..rasa mcm hilang seluruh kekuatan untuk hidup.please somebody,give me courage and put the spirit back! feeling down! tell me something that i can believe! tell me something that will give me back my faith.tell me something to keep me strong.pleaseeee..i need help!

Friday, July 22, 2011


taktahu nk ltk title apa..ltk je la oh kann..mak and abah dah ltk anak dia setsiap kat merbok ni..dorg tanak anta hari sabtu..takmau JAM la aku seketui2 diri..
aku tgk gmbar dis girl..atyn ckp,takpayah la aku nk tgk jugak..aku perlu berdepan dgn realiti..So,aku tgk sampai nak termuntah..then baru rasa insecurity aku berkurang.

Setiap orang ada cara memasing nak overcome something that they dont like.Bagi aku,itulah caranya..Cuti mid-sem biasa2 jaa..

p/s:mintak maaf kalau saya tak pandai jga hati .

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's Her Story

"Jangan terlampau memaksa..belajar menerima,
 Jangan terlampau memberi jika tidak dikasihi ".

"I dont understand.But It strike through my heart" .Mcm ada batu jatuh dari langit direct kena kat aku.Mcm tu la apa yg aku rasa.Take time jugak nak fhm ,but i think right now after hours of thinking and thinking.I think I got d point.

apa yg aku faham:
1)kita tak boleh nk paksa orang sukajiwa kita je.Dia mungkin tak suka dgn apa yg kita buat.So,please terima n jgn nk paksa org samada beli-barang ke,pergi kedai ke,susahkan orang ke,paksa orang sayang kat kita ke ,paksa org buat benda yang dia taknak buat ke kann.

2)Jangan la terlampau memberi sangat.Sometimes org akan suffocate dgn apa yang kita buat .Kita macam memaksa dia untuk melakukan sesuatu yang dia tidak bersedia lagi.

Tapi :

Kadang-kadang, kita terpaksa memaksa untuk mendapat sedikit perhatian.
Kadang-kadang ,menjadi pemberi lebih baik daripada penerima.Itu sebagai tanda ingatan tulus ikhlas dari si pemberi kerana dia hanya memberi apa yang ada semampunya.Tanda dia menyayangi seikhlas hati.
Kadang-kadang,kita hanya mahukan yang terbaik dan mahukan mereka menghargai dan menyayangi kita apa adanya.

Itu sahaja.

sometimes,you do everything you can so that u can make that someone see you the way you see you the way you like them .Care for you like you care for them and love you the way you love them.

But it cant be forced.I know now. 

~ listening to" if i die young".Memorizing how i met him.This song certainly bring back old memories.Every single part of how i met him,Every single details of how i feel at that time.

On our first lunch together.On how i kept comparing our height.On how i get text from him every lunch and after i slept.

That's all .

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

oh ok.saya jeles!

entry kali ni tntg kejelesan yang melanda.

 actually,bila kita dpt tahu tntg barang yg kita nak tapi contoh yg kita nk bg tu ada pada org yg kita xbrp suka.perlu lagi ke kita nk barang tu?contoh tu hny ada pada dia.Nanti org cakap aku nk tiru gaya dia pulak.Sedangkan,aku dah nmpak benda tu n tringin nk pakai since aku umur 18 lagi.Dats mean 2 tahun lps,tapi taktahu nk describe mcm mana.And tetiba my bf said ,ouh..yg mcm dat girl selalu pakai tu ke?dush2!.tawar hati dah nak pakai.tapiiiiii...saya teringin..mcm mana ni....fuufuu..*nafasnaikatasbawah!

pastu yg jeles lagi yg aku tringin nk kenal tu rapat dgn this girl..Actually,i like her personality..Tp sbb certain circumstances..i cant approach her.I like her style.Very much.I xnk copycat her style.But just to know more about simple as dat.since she is so gojes..kalau aku dapat kenal dia apa yg aku nk buat adalah

1) get to know each other first la kann..mcm say hi ke ..
2)dah start kenal..haruslahh nk gossip pasal fashion dia yg so nice tu! woah..
3)pastu keluar mkn sesama.
4)shopping sesama*semua bnda kat atas ni mcm mustahil je nk daydreaming xsalah kan?

dah mcm gegedik pulak wat list bagai..

sometimes.when i look at her ,i want to b her actually.But i know..i cant be her.cuz i am me.and nothing can changed that.i am just an ordinary kampung girl.I am proud to be me.

aku tringin :

1)nak pakai lawa2 cantik2 .style sgt kannn..motif? for my own sake of confidence.Kalau hari yg aku mke-up sket2 then pakai cantik2..dat day,rasa confidence level tu tinggi.Tapi,kalau hari pakai comotcomot dalam hati cakap *ohpelis jgn la trserempak dgn org2 yg aku tknak trserempak cuz im in my worst outfit! pheww!

2)aku nak beli semua barang canticantik tp pada HARGA murah..okeyyy bitches!! aku bkn org kaya.yang kaya makabah aku kt kg nuu! tu pon bkn kaya harta tapi kaya budi bahasa je..Aku bkn jenis org yg memilih..Benda2 yg aku nmpak lawa and nice tp kalau bnda tu kat bundle je..aku sapuuu bersih jgk.tu time kalau duit melimpah laa kann..

3)nk ada clean looks! bkn slama ni aku comot2 or whatsoever.Tp kalau org pandang,sejuk mataaa..Nak pakai ala2 tradisional gitchhu! tggu la aku ada duit t..habis la semua bnda aku nk beli!

4)Nak ada Mary-Kay set.woahh..sesiapa yg pakai nie! ohpelis saya jeles dgn anda!

5)Bercita2 untuk reshuffle aku punya closet.Yang mana dah agak outdated tu nk simpan.Mana tahu kot2 nt nk pakai balik ke kannn..PASTU nak beli new outfit.Macam2 style and kaler.Im in love with mix and match.Pastu colour blocking .Mix and match tu aku dah jatuh cinta kalau pasal nak mix n match dress aku dgn cardigan.Tapi tu la..xbnyk cardigan yg lawa2.Nak p KL jauh pulak..semata2 jee.Tgk la pas raya ni ke bila atin dah kat sana.Nk g shopping2 *taksdrduitdahtakde.HAHAHA

dah panjang tulis ni.hati pon rasa lega sket lps dah luah kat sini.Enjoy your day!!

Monday, July 11, 2011


aku kat sini.
maseh tak tido lagi
jam dah pukul 2.40
pmbetulan,bukan tak tido lagi,tapi terbgn dr tido
ni semua sbb aku tido pukul 9.00 mlm td
n then skrg aku takut
sbb bgn2 je didi takdak kat sebelah.
dia pg mana ntah.pastu dgn bunyi guruh2 lagi
aku beranikan diri bukak lappy tulis2..
huwa! rasa sedih.
xdak sesapa skrg nie.
t kalau call kacau pulak.
bye..nk pg pura2 tido.


i want to go to a place where tears is not your pillow's best friend.
i want to go to a place where judgement is not killing yourself
i want to go to a place where happiness is in everybody's heart
i want  to go to a place where money cant buy everything you like
i want to go to a place where sorrow and sadness can be erased
i want to go to a place where forever and fairy tales do exist
i want to go to a place where everyone knows how to take care of your heart
i want to go to a place where your loved one will always be there for you no matter what
i want to go to a place where happy-ending do exist
i want to go to a place where jealousy can be overcome by trust
i want to go to a place where your love is appreciated
i want to go to a place where a broken heart can be fixed
i want to go to a place where friends do not  stabbed behind your back
i want to go to a place where selfishness is overcome by kindness
i want to go to a place where i will feel the most beautiful
i want to go to a place where i will feel blessed and lucky
i want to go to a place where there will be somebody that appreciate me and accept me no matter who i am
i want to go to a place where everyone treat you better

dear friends,i am lucky to meet you in my life.

dear bestfriends, i am glad to have you with me in my life.

dear special bestfriends, where my secrets are safe with you and you accept me for who i am and proud of me.thanx for growing up with me.know every single tears i shed,thanx for your shoulders,thanx for everything that we've been through.know every single piece of me.i 'll always cherish our moments together.

dear boyfriend,im glad to meet teaches me how to dance to the rhythm of life,teaches me to be more matured,how to appreciate my life,how to be me.I hope that you'll always be happy.I hope that you'll make sure that what you've been dreaming of do come true.Chase for your dream and your future.It is not for me or your family,it is solely just for you.Even we may be apart one day,i hope that you'll always make your family proud of you.I am proud of you.I wish i can be your backbone that will always support you to be better and better but at last,you need to stand on your own and do what's the best for you.Believe me,i'll always be on your side and please trust me.

the end

Sunday, July 03, 2011


Dear pillow,sorry for all the tears
Dear tummy,sorry for all the butterflies inside,
Dear heart,sorry for all the damages,
Dear brain,you are always right.

But still,i am following my heart where it leads me too.The thinking will come later.
I think everybody deserved to be loved and to be cared.Nothing more that people will ask except to love them for who they are and to love them unconditionally.

But, is so hard to love another person when your heart have been hurt before.You'll be extra careful this time.Sometimes,it is so unfair to let the "another" person slides easily into your heart.But,looks,it is so unfair for that person too.It is from a book that i read recently.

My friends love stories teach  me so much about love.But still,i dont know how to deal with it in my real life.There's so much that i dont know,so much that i am lacking of.Sometimes,out of nowhere,my insecurities about everything will come out.

Sometimes,i wonder how much important a person can be in another person's life.Finally,i have found the answer.For me, he is important in my life enough that i know i am scared of losing him.That's all.

p/s:Lately,i miss my laughter .

What i want:
I don't want a perfect person,
I just want someone to act silly with,
treats me well,
& loves being with me more than anything.

I want to go somewhere.I think beach will be the perfect place.May be i'll be there after my last class today.
I want to wash away all my worries.
Wind,take away my worries.
Sea,let me breathe out my sadness.
coconut tree,let me drink your water pleaseee..*wink2..Dats all.



Assalamualaikum.hey readers.lama dah kali ni ttg photoshoot 2 weeks ago rasanya.
mcm2 bnda dah jadi..mcm2 bnda nk cerita..tapi,tangguh,ni la gambar2 nya:

                                        p/s:kaki mia lawaaaa pakai heels mcm nie..i likeeeee :)

                                                                         gossip girl

p/s:mia sgt pandai bergaya n bergambar oukeyhh!

                                       aiman,sorry..dah try rotate gmbar ni tp stil tak boleh jugak.
                                                           p/s:panda the gambargrapher..

ni je update untuk kali ni.hv fun!